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10 attractive benches on the Quay in Ruse will carry messages for the protection of the cleanliness of the Danube

Friday, 02 September 2022

The Municipality of Ruse will place ten benches on the Quay with interesting facts about the Danube River. They were donated by the Kaufland retail chain and will be installed next week by employees of the OP "Utilities".

The benches will be inscribed with little-known information that will raise public awareness of the conservation of Europe's second largest river. The idea is that the curious, but also alarming facts about the river reach as wide a range of people as possible.

The donation supports the international initiative "Together for cleaner rivers: River CleanUp Collective @Danube". It takes place in 10 countries. In addition to the donation campaign, Kaufland's team is also organizing a cleaning of a part of the bank of the Danube near the town of Marten tomorrow.

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Friday, 02 September 2022

Friday, 02 September 2022

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