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Mayor Pencho Milkov honored the national holiday of Romania in Giurgiu

Friday, 01 December 2023

The mayor of Ruse, Pencho Milkov, took part in the celebrations of the Municipality of Giurgevo on the occasion of the national holiday of Romania, December 1. On this date 105 years ago, the most important event in the history of our northern neighbor took place - after a vote of 600 deputies and 628 representatives of cultural and public organizations, Transylvania, Krishana, Satmar, Maramures and Banat, including Bukovina, were added to it and Bessarabia. Official guests at the event were the regional and deputy regional governors of Ruse, Danail Kovachev and Georgi Georgiev, and the director of the Euroregion Danubius Association, Lili Gancheva

The solemn ceremony began with marches performed by the brass band of the ''Yon Vinya'' Cultural Center. Priests from the Giurgiu Bishopric performed a celebratory holy liturgy, and at the end of it, those present laid wreaths and flowers in front of the Heroes' Monument.

The festive event continued on "Tricolor" Blvd., where the specialized equipment of the police, fire brigade, army and emergency medical assistance in the district was presented. Under the sounds of the brass band, the official parade and the march of military and police units paraded. A 150-meter flag with the colors of Romania passed along the central boulevard in front of hundreds of Georgians, carried by children from local educational institutions.

Mayor Adrian Angelescu received gifts from Pencho Milkov, including the bilingual edition "Ruse - for the first time in Bulgaria"

Later in the afternoon, a folklore performance will take place at the ''Ion Vinya'' Cultural Center, and the Christmas lights in the Alley Park will be lit by the mayor of Giurgievo Municipality.

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Friday, 01 December 2023

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