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Pencho Milkov discussed key issues for Ruse with the World Bank mission

Thursday, 07 December 2023

The Mayor of Ruse Pencho Milkov met today with the World Bank mission in Bulgaria. The delegation is led by the Permanent Representative for Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Les Melgard.

"The World Bank has been present in Bulgaria for over 30 years. We are currently preparing our five-year strategy. We want to get to know the main priorities of Ruse and how we can support their implementation", said Les Melgard.

Mayor Pencho Milkov emphasized the need for infrastructure connectivity of Ruse with the rest of Bulgaria, highlighted the border location and the two European corridors that pass from here. According to him, the long-standing underfunding of the infrastructure in Northern Bulgaria has led to the fact that there is not a single completed highway in the north-south or east-west direction.

"All transport from Asia to our continent passes through Ruse. The Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo motorway needs to be built as quickly as possible to ensure a much more secure and fast connection. Not only to get the heavy traffic out of the city, but also to improve the movement of goods within the EU," Pencho Milkov said. He also stressed the need to build a second Danube bridge and to develop a year-round water corridor along the Danube.

Among the other topics discussed were investments and economic development, as well as the quality of education and priority projects for the development of Ruse.

The World Bank is an international financial organisation and one of the largest sources of development aid. The Bank's Bulgarian mission is conducting a country tour, including meetings with the private sector and mayors of major municipalities.

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