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Training "Management and Programming in Video Games" under the project "Creativity" is launched

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

On 24 October Creative Center - Ruse welcomed its new students from the National School of Arts "Prof. Veselin Stoyanov" in his high-tech office with professional equipment for digital art. The training was conducted in two groups of 10 participants so that each of the trainees had personal access to a desktop computer and a graphics tablet. The students are participants in the free course "Management and programming in video games" under the project "Creativity", which is implemented thanks to the Foundation "Ruse - City of Free Spirit" and the support of "Econt Express".

The young people had the opportunity to work with the professional graphics tablets with which the centre is equipped and to practice their specialties using Adobe Photoshop software, licensed for all computers in the centre's hall.

In addition to the provided online training and attendance hours at the center, which will be available to children from the specialties "Painting", "Graphics" and "Advertising graphics", the lecturers of the Creative Center created for them personal accounts for the digital platform Moodle. This gives students access to the centre's vast database of training materials related to graphic software, composition and colour studies, and pre-press advertising.

The online training itself, modelled on the ARC Academy, is a great stepping stone to career guidance and realisation for young people who are about to finish their secondary education.

Those interested in signing up to participate can do so at https://forms. gle/9dWqGVWSRJMwzE4M8 . The application deadline is 28 October and the training is free of charge.

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