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A bronze sculpture of St. George on the new fountain next to Danube Square

Friday, 13 September 2024

The Mayor of Ruse Municipality Pencho Milkov and the sculptor Georgi Radulov attended the placement of a bronze figure of the protector of the city St. George on the newly built fountain in the garden next to Danube Square.

 "Today we are not just opening a new fountain, but restoring the historical memory of the city and paying tribute to our heavenly patron. Until now, we had no place to show it, except for the icons in the churches of Ruse. We are starting with this fountain," said the mayor of Ruse. "St. George is a symbol of courage, nobility and the struggle for good. Let this statue be an inspiration for all of us and a reminder of the values that we must preserve and pass on to the generations," Pencho Milkov emphasized.

The conceptual design of the figure of St. George in the form of a plaster model was donated a few years ago by the sculptor Georgi Radulov. The figure was subsequently made of bronze with exceptional attention to detail. It recreates the image of the saint with his strength and determination.

The initiative is part of the efforts of the local administration to enrich the urban environment and promote the cultural and historical heritage of Ruse.

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