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Completed projects

Equal access of children at risk to pre-school training and intercultural education through innovative training, integrated approach and attractive conditions in the kindergartens in Ruse Municipality


Europe Direct Information Centre - Ruse

Development of  cultural and historical attractionsin an urban tourism ensemble

Landslide consolidation of Pridunavski Boulevard slope - Ruse

Renovation and equipping of Complex Oncological Centre -  Ruse

Implementing energy efficiency measures in the buildings of seven schools on the territory of the city of Ruse

Roof and stone moldings strenghtening of Hristo Botev Secondary School - Ruse

In-Home Services Unit under scheme „In-Home Help“

Educational integration of ethnic minorities children and students in three primary schools on the territory of the city of Ruse

New opportunities for providing the social assistant service in the city of Ruse

LIMES - Large Scale Innovative and Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism in Rural Areas

Rivers of time – Regional tourism product of tourism region Ruse-Ivanovo-Borovo

Danube spirit in port communities

Enhancing the capacity of Ruse Municipality administration for effective cooperation with business to achieve local economic development

District Information Point

Improving the accessibility of region Ruse-Giurgiu through Pan- European corridor 9 

Rehabilitation and accessible urban environment of Central city area – a section of Aleksandrovska street, Battenberg square and the adjacent spaces

Support for decent life

Social inclusion throughteamwork oftherapists and institutions foreasily accessible new integrated consultations

Ruse Municipality– intelligent and effective public administration

Energy efficiency improvement measures in four educational infrastructure buildings in Ruse

Crisis centre on the territory of Ruse Municipality for victims of domestic and gender-based violence and provision of services in it

Independent living in a unit for services in a home environment - Ruse

Although different, we are all together on our way to school