Saturday, 24 February 2024
In the Plenary Hall in the building of the Municipality of Ruse, the 20th edition of the recital competition "For Bulgaria to Be" was held. The literary forum, organized by the Municipal Youth Center, aims to preserve and popularize Bulgarian poetry and Bulgarian national self-esteem among young people.
A total of 331 children and young people from 1st to 12th grade participated with their own reading of a work chosen by them, as this year's edition, as per tradition, again went into two directions - Renaissance poetry and post-Renaissance and contemporary Bulgarian poetry.
There were the most children in the first age group - 157, and in the second - from the 5th to the 7th grade and the third - from the 8th to the 12th grade, 174 children and young people took part. This presented the jury with a real challenge to sift out the best participants who recited and performed works on themes related to the fatherland, motherland, freedom and liberation struggle, patriotism, as well as the beauty of the native land.
The competition jury consisted of two members as follows:
First composition: Marian Savov - chairman of the jury, actor, public figure, director of ME "Ruse Art" and founder of the competition; Tanya Tsvetkova - actress in the "Sava Ognyanov" drama theater; Krastina Ivanova - senior teacher of Bulgarian language and literature at Secondary school with German language teaching "Friedrich Schiller" .
Second composition: Orlin Dyakov - chairman of the jury, director and actor; Krum Gergitsov – theater scholar, playwright and public figure; Kosyo Stanev - actor in the drama theater "Sava Ognyanov; Mina Marinova - actress and representative of the Municipal Youth Home.
Deputy Mayor Dimitar Nedev, who was an official guest of the event, took part in the awarding ceremony in the individual fields and age groups.
"Your work is extremely important for enriching the cultural life of our community and educating new generations of admirers of poetic art. The next edition of the competition proves that there are many talented children in Ruse, who through it find their own way to express their attitude to the richness of our culture and national identity", Dimitar Nedev addressed the organizers and participants. He thanked the teachers and parents for stimulating the interest of more and more children and young people in the works of Bulgarian authors.
The founder of the competition, Marian Savov, the director of the Municipal Youth Home, Krasimira Nikolaeva, and the actor and director Orlin Dyakov, who suggested that the literary forum should become a national one, also greeted the attendees.
Congratulatory addresses for the organization and holding of the competition were received from the mayor of Ruse municipality Pencho Milkov and from the minister of youth and sports Dimitar Iliev.
"To have Bulgaria" is a competition for individual performers of works by Bulgarian authors and is dedicated to the national holiday March 3. Volunteers from the Ruse Youth Parliament also contributed to its realization.
The final list of the honored participants for the year 2024 in the recital "To have Bulgaria" will be published at the beginning of next week on the Facebook page of the Municipal Youth Center-Ruse.
The fourth edition of the career forum "Where to now?" was held in Ruse.
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