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The municipal councils of Ruse and Giurgiu issued a declaration for Schengen entry

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Mayor Pencho Milkov called on the Romanian state to increase the capacity of the Romanian authorities at the Danube Bridge BCP

The municipal councillors of Ruse and Giurgiu held a joint meeting in the Romanian city. The two local authorities issued a joint declaration and a letter to the prime ministers and foreign ministers of the two countries for accelerated action towards their accession to the Schengen area.

"Relations between Ruse and Giurgiu have always been exemplary. They are not decided by presidents, prime ministers or euro leaders. Our connectedness comes quite naturally - from the individual. From our friendship, our daily contacts and our work together," said Pencho Milkov.
He urged the Romanian authorities to increase their capacity at the Danube Bridge BCP, because currently the small number of scales on the Romanian side creates a prerequisite for stopping the work of the Bulgarian border guards. This leads to queues and difficulties not only for professional drivers but also for thousands of citizens travelling every day.

"At the level of the Romanian-Bulgarian border, we are an example of cooperation, we know how to work together, but we need a green light for equal opportunities and equal treatment on the development path", said Mayor of Giurgiu Adrian Angălescu.

The solemn session was initiated by the Municipal Council of Giurgiu and took place with the assistance of the Executive Director of Euroregion Danubius Association Lili Gancheva. Official addresses to the attendees were also made by the Deputy Mayor and Municipal Councillor from the National Liberal Party, Ionel Muscalu, the Presidents of the Municipal Councils Adrian Dautz and Ivo Pazardzhiev, the Vice-Presidents Natalia Krasteva and Denitsa Ivanova, as well as the Municipal Councillor from the Social Democratic Party Kodruc Kejnaru. More than 50 councillors from the two municipalities participated.

We would like to remind you that on May 9 last year the councillors again met jointly, this time in support of the cause of building a second bridge over the Danube between Ruse and Giurgiu.

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