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The municipality provides free dental and eye screenings to Ruse children

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Ruse Municipality has launched two programs for early childhood health. They will cover adolescents attending nurseries and kindergartens in the municipality.

The "My teeth - healthy and white" programme is related to the prevention of tooth decay. It will start at the beginning of May and will cover children from all 37 nursery groups in Ruse municipality. Preventive examinations by a dentist will be conducted and staff and parents will be educated about cavity formation and prevention. It is planned to prepare age-appropriate educational materials and toys for the children in the nursery groups. With these, educators will periodically and in the form of a game focus on maintaining good oral hygiene.

The campaign is important for the early prevention of dental problems in the very young. Early childhood caries is the most prevalent chronic, bacterial and behavioural disease of the hard dental tissues. It most commonly affects the circular vestibular or lingual surfaces of the upper temporal incisors and molars of young children.

The programme is innovative for the country and for the first time will cover children aged 1 to 3 years.

The second program is called "Keeping Children's Eyes Safe" and is related to the detection of vision abnormalities in adolescents. It will cover 1100 children from all fourth groups of the municipal kindergartens. The examinations will be carried out with a mobile device that detects visual problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, blurred vision, uneven reflection, difference in pupil size, myopia, etc. They will be performed by an ophthalmologist.

The goal of screening is to detect visual impairment at an age when it can be corrected and treated adequately, and pediatric vision screening is a quick, affordable, and easy method of detecting visual impairment. It allows early diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Examinations of children under both programs will be conducted only after written informed consent from their parents.

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