Thursday, 02 May 2024
In St. George Hall in the building of Ruse Municipality was held the final press conference on the project "Reconstruction and presentation of significant cultural landmarks with high tourist potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu". It was attended by the Deputy Mayor Zdravka Velikova, the Deputy Mayor of Giurgiu Municipality Ionel Mouscalu, the Director of the Regional Museum of History prof. Nikolay Nenov, the Director of the European Projects Directorate in Giurgiu Municipality and project coordinator Yanka Mecca, as well as representatives of the teams from the two twinned cities.
The main activities with results from the implementation of the project were presented, accompanied by rich photographs of the two emblematic historical sites on both sides of the Danube - the Pantheon of the National Revival Heroes in Ruse and the Giurgiu Fortress. A short clip was also shown, specially made under the project as part of the awareness raising information campaign.
The repairs of the Pantheon of the National Revival Heroes in Ruse include:
- processing of the support walls at the main entrance, including installation of protective railings and drainage;
- carrying out internal repair work;
- replacement of the existing stone lining;
- Installation of external heat and waterproofing;
- provision of exterior and interior architectural lighting;
- cleaning and replacing the gilding of the dome.
The improvement of the space around Giurgiu Fortress includes:
- construction of an access platform in the eastern part of the historic site;
- creation of a walking route in the southern part of the fortress;
- creation of a pedestrian route in the area of the northern wall of the fortress;
- landscaping of the area from the northern wall of the fortress;
- provision of specific, functional architectural lighting;
- installation of billboards with images of the fortress from different historical periods.
The common history of Ruse and Giurgiu was used to create modern, integrated tourism products and services to be jointly managed and promoted. Thus, Euroregion Ruse - Giurgiu increases the attractiveness of a tourist destination that attracts tourists from Bulgaria and Romania, as well as from other European countries. As part of the project activities, a website was created where those who wished could get acquainted with tourist attractions and routes in both cities.
The project was implemented under the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 "Green Region", Specific Objective 2. 1 "Improving the conservation and sustainable use of natural heritage, resources and cultural heritage" and lasted 69 months.
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