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We celebrate 138 years since the unification of the Principality of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia

Wednesday, 06 September 2023

In Ruse the 138th anniversary of the Unification of Bulgaria was celebrated with a ceremony in front of the Monument to the Fallen in the Serbo-Bulgarian War.

"There have always been differences, but the most important thing is to determine which is our solder. Look around you - we have the strongest engine - our native home Ruse. Bulgaria. We can make the reunification of the Bulgarians not a date in the calendar, but an everyday reality", Mayor Pencho Milkov addressed the people of Ruse.

Words for the memorable date were also spoken by the regional governor Danail Kovachev and the chairman of the Municipal Council - Ruse Ivo Pazardzhiev. Among the official guests of the event were the Rector of the University of Rousse, Acad. Hristo Beloev, the Head of the RDE Dr. Rositsa Georgieva, MPs, heads of institutions, as well as representatives of the Municipality of Giurgiu and Giurgiu County Council.

To the sound of marches performed by the Municipal Brass Band conducted by Dimcho Rubchev, the guard of honour welcomed the citizens. The XIII Youth Guard Detachment of the Municipal Youth Home was also formed.

A service in honor of the historic event was performed by H. E. Metropolitan Naum of Ruse and priests from the Ruse Metropolitanate. Dozens of citizens, representatives of political forces and students laid flowers and bowed to the memory of the fallen heroes.

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